Vintage Writer’s Desk: The Find

While driving home from work the other day, a mirage caught my eye. A massive beaut of a desk sat in someone’s yard, the sidewalk, and the median.

Luckily, it broke down into three pieces (plus the drawers), and I was barely able to squeeze it into the bed.


The next problem was getting it into my apartment. the 5′ x 3′ desk packed the room to the gills. Serious feng shui needed to go down!


But before reassembling the desk and re-interring the decades of caked dust, we had to take a few Clorox wipes to it.


Or a few 20.

But the elbow grease was worth it, resulting in a sweet new Shaw of London twin pedestal desk. This thing is so big, Im actually using as a dining room table right now!



The desk has a large leather cover with an intricate leatherwork edging.



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